Townsend Complex
British Columbia
198 Mmcf/d
Sweet Gas
Fuel Type
AltaGas owns and operates the Townsend Complex, associated gas gathering system and the Townsend Truck Terminal (TTT). Located approximately 100 kilometres north of Fort St. John and 20 kilometres southeast of AltaGas’ existing Blair Creek Facility, the Townsend Complex has the ability to process 198 Mmcf/d. A 25 kilometre gas gathering line connects the Blair Creek field gathering area to the Townsend Complex. As well, two 30 kilometre liquids egress pipelines connect the Townsend Complex to the TTT located off the Alaska Highway at mile 95.
In 2014, AltaGas and Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd. entered into a 15-year strategic alliance for the development of processing infrastructure and marketing services for natural gas in British Columbia. The strategic alliance will provide for the development of essential liquids-rich gas processing infrastructure in Northeast British Columbia.
AltaGas owns and operates the Townsend Complex, associated gas gathering system and the Townsend Truck Terminal (TTT). Located approximately 100 kilometres north of Fort St. John and 20 kilometres southeast of AltaGas’ existing Blair Creek Facility, the Townsend Complex has the ability to process 198 Mmcf/d. A 25 kilometre gas gathering line connects the Blair Creek field gathering area to the Townsend Complex. As well, two 30 kilometre liquids egress pipelines connect the Townsend Complex to the TTT located off the Alaska Highway at mile 95.
In 2014, AltaGas and Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd. entered into a 15-year strategic alliance for the development of processing infrastructure and marketing services for natural gas in British Columbia. The strategic alliance will provide for the development of essential liquids-rich gas processing infrastructure in Northeast British Columbia.