Virtual Participation
Password: altagas2025 (case-sensitive)
Meeting Details
You can attend the virtual meeting by clicking the link above up to an hour before the time of the Meeting. You will need the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Edge or Firefox.
To ask questions and vote at the meeting you must be a registered shareholder or duly appointed proxyholder. If you are a registered shareholder, your username is the 15-digit control number printed on your form of proxy. If you are a non-registered (beneficial) shareholder and have followed the steps as outlined in the Meeting Materials (below) to duly appoint a proxyholder (including yourself), the proxyholder will have received a username from Computershare to be used in Step 3.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click on “I have a login”
Step 3: For registered shareholders, enter your 15-digit Control Number. For non-registered (beneficial) shareholders, enter the username provided by Computershare.
Step 4: Enter your password – altagas2025 (case-sensitive)
lf you have not appointed yourself as proxyholder but wish to listen to the webcast, select "I am a guest" and fill in the form.
For additional details on voting, including how to appoint and register a proxyholder (including yourself), please refer to the instructions under "How do I vote my Shares?" in the management information circular dated March 6, 2025 (the "Circular") and the "Virtual Meeting User Guide" (below).
We recommend that you log in to the site at least 15 minutes before the time of the Meeting
Your Vote is Important!
Please submit your vote well in advance of the proxy deposit deadline specified in your form of proxy or voting instruction form, or ensure you are properly registered to attend and vote at the meeting.
2025 Notice & Access
AltaGas is using notice and access for sending the annual meeting materials to shareholders, which allows us to deliver the Notice of Meeting, the Circular and the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 2024, along with management’s discussion and analysis thereon (the “Meeting Materials”) to shareholders by posting them, instead of mailing these documents. Notice and access is a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to deliver the Meeting Materials, as it will help reduce paper use and the cost of printing and mailing materials to shareholders.
You can access the Meeting Materials by clicking the links below. Shareholders who would like a paper copy of the Meeting Materials can request copies by following the instructions on the Notice of Meeting and Availability of Meeting Materials.
Meeting Materials
More information
Key governance documents are available on our website, including Board of Director policies and mandates.
Board of Directors
Get to know the Board of Directors by reading their bios.