Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal highlighted at Alberta Energy seminar in Tokyo

April 26, 2017
On April 26 the Alberta Government, with support from the Federal Government, organized a one-day seminar in Tokyo entitled Alberta-Canada Energy Opportunities, as part of their trade mission activities to the Asia Pacific region. The seminar included government and industry speakers from Japan and Alberta. Premier Rachel Notley, Economic Development and Trade Minister Deron Bilous, the Ambassador of Canada to Japan, Ian Burney as well as representatives from the Alberta and Federal governments attended. Premier Notley and the Ambassador mentioned the Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal Project in their speeches.
Wendy Thomas, Senior Director Energy Exports-Commercial attended the seminar on behalf of AltaGas along with 230 representatives from Japanese industry. “The participants expressed their enthusiasm about propane exports from Canada and congratulated AltaGas on a successful Final Investment Decision, and our progress with the Project,” said Wendy. “The Alberta Government was pleased that AltaGas could participate, noting we attracted a lot of interest to their seminar and provided an opportunity to showcase the positive results that Alberta companies are having with exports to Japan.”
Members of the trade mission (from L to R) included: Mr. David Anderson - Managing Director, Government of Alberta, Japan Office, Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Board Member and Director In Charge, Energy Data and Modelling Center (EDMC), The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), Mr. Kiyoshi Ogino, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer, Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd. (JAPEX), Ms. Wendy Thomas, Senior Director Energy Exports - Commercial, AltaGas Ltd., The Honourable Rachel Notley, M.L.A., Premier of Alberta, The Honourable Deron Bilous, M.L.A., Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Government of Alberta, Canada, Mr. Koichi Hamano, Executive Vice President, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), Mr. Garret Matteotti, Director of Business Development, Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association, His Excellency Ian Burney, Ambassador of Canada to Japan.